Saturday, March 31, 2007

- Super League - Runde 5 OPPDATERT!


Sydney Uni - Fairfield City 3-0
Lørdag 31. Mars var det klart for sesongens andre "hjemmekamp" på Hensley, og samtidig duket for sesongens femte strake seier. 5 av 5 mulige så langt og ett eneste mål innsluppet på 450 minutter + tillegg!

Plassen til Sydney Uni's nordmann

Nå skal det sies at Fairfield City ikke akkurat er noe stjernelag og fortsatt jakter sin første seier (0-3-2) for sesongen. I tillegg var det heller ikke blendende fotball fra Unis side, spesielt ikke i første omgang. Andre ble noe bedre i publikums vennlighet, uten at et hutrende hjemmepublikum lot seg rive med på en kjølig lørdags kveld.


Så sjaber motstand var det at til og med den norske granitt tok turen innenfor motstanderens boks, bare for å totalt upresset få ballen helt på tåa på det som skulle være en tålmodig og proft utført volley - og få så vondt at jeg måtte gå av..


Men det er ikke verre enn at jeg er klar til neste kamp, og jeg kan nå "nyte" ei travel studie uke i visshet at vi nå leder serien med 5 poeng (tabell:


Jeg og vår brasilianske midtbanespiller Marcos før matchen


Kaptein Hoffs match rapport lyder som følgerer:


Hoff's Match Report: Uni 3 Fairfield 0
Posted by hoff at Sun, 2007-04-01 21:58
Ace bags a Brace as Uni make it 5 in a row
Sydney Uni comfortably accounted for Fairfield last night 3-0 to extend their lead in the Winter Super League to 5 points.

The hero for the students was the electric metrosexual pin up boy Ace (Matt Demetriou) who converted a penalty and then clinically scored another to keep the home fans happy.
Earlier in the first half, it was Uni dominating possession and field position with Cheese (Peter Gavaghan), Ace and the Greyhound (John O'Brien) creating several opportunities. However, it wasn't until 30th minute when the Galapagas turtle's cross/shot found the net.
Uni went to the break one up...

Fairfield's coach could be heard yelling at his players inside the dressing shed at half time, and they started the second half pumped up. However, after weathering a minor storm, Uni was awarded a penalty and Ace calmly placed it to the right of the keeper.
Minutes later he had a second, when he rattled the net with an unstoppable shot after beating 2 defenders.

Uni did have opportunities to score more, and Fairfield had a penalty saved and then the follow up shot saved again by Box Head (Anthony Costa).

It was a good result for Uni - notching their 4th clean sheet of the season with The big German Unit (Stephan Bley) dominant again at the back. And with several players still carrying niggling injuries and with Mr Myspace (Jacob Swarts) unavailable through a virus (he had previously dedicated last nights game to Princess Lu Lu, who is number 12 on his myspace top friends list) things are looking positive for the club.

I'm fairly confident this is the first time uni has won 5 from 5 in the Winter Super League, and I'm pretty sure its the first time we have been at the top of the ladder. Well done boys!

Brad Wiblen


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